
Read all sections of the documentation carefully and you will become the undisputed master of the project: everything is now in your hands 😉 .

Getting started

General information

Project versions

The project is available only in Total version, and includes the admin side for content management, based on Total CMS.

The Total version consists of two separate project files:

  • 1 project file for the front-side.
  • 1 project file for the admin-side.

In this way the project management in RapidWeaver becomes more agile, being able to put side by side the windows of the two projects and having everything at hand.

Pages included in the project

  • All the front-side pages you see in this demo.
  • All the admin-side pages you see in this demo.

Pages manageable from the admin-side

All pages are set with TCMS to be fully managed from the admin-side.
Exceptions are only the project presentation pages (Overview page and Extra menu pages).


Required stacks

Minimum requirements

  • RapidWeaver 8
  • Stacks plugin

Required stacks

  • Foundation 6 stacks
  • Swatch Pack stack
  • Total CMS stack
  • SEO Helper 2 stack
  • Chroma stack FREE STACK
  • Pen stack FREE STACK

Optional stacks

Optional stacks

Optional stacks are not necessary, but they improve the user experience.

  • Page Safe stack (handles the credentials and background image of the login page)
  • Drift Pro stack (handles the animations)
  • Photo Pro stack (enhances the user experience of image galleries)
  • Compass stack (handles the buttons to navigate between blog posts)
  • Share It stack (handles the share buttons on the blog post pages)
  • MovingBox stack (enhances the user experience of image/post slideshows)

You can enable/disable the optional stacks easily from the admin-side in Settings page → Optional Stacks tab.

  • Click here for more information about the optional stacks.

Setup for publishing

First steps to publishing your website

Getting started

  • Upload the cms-data folder (you will find it in the downloaded ZIP file) to your server, in the root directory where you will publish the site.
  • For both project files (admin-side and front-side) enter the Web Address data in the RW General settings (the web address must be exactly the same in both project files).
  • For both project files (admin-side and front-side) enter your domain data in the RW Publishing, of course you will need the FTP information of your server (the data must be exactly the same in both project files).

Total CMS license

Total CMS license

  • In the admin-side project file: open the Admin Core & CMS Core partial and enter the Total CMS license in both Total CMS core stacks.
  • In the front-side project file: open the CMS Core partial and enter the Total CMS license in CMS Core stack.
  • Publish the project file.

IMPORTANT: If you have to register the Total CMS license for the first time (or for a new license) on your domain follow this simple procedure from the Weavers Space website.

Blog setup

For project blogs to work properly, the following procedure must be performed for each blog in the project, which is used to tell TCMS the blog path.

  • Open the front-side project file and go to the blog post page, for example the Blog > Post page.
  • Select the Blog Post stack and enable the Default button as shown in the screenshot below.
  • Preview the page.
  • The Save Blog Post URL lightbox will be shown to confirm the path of the blog posts.
  • Click the Submit button to confirm.

Pretty URL

  • Select the Blog Post stack and enable the Pretty URL and the Show htaccess Rules as shown in the screenshot below.
  • Preview the page.
  • The Save Blog Post URL lightbox will be shown to confirm the path of the blog posts.
  • Before confirming the path, select and copy the code (starts with the # symbol) shown at the bottom of the lightbox.
  • Once copied, click the Submit button to confirm.
  • You can now disable the Show htaccess Rules button from the Blog Post settings.
  • Now go to the RW Publishing settings and click the Edit .htaccess File button.
  • Paste the code you copied earlier into the text area and click the Save and Upload button.

IMPORTANT: You have to repeat this procedure for each blog post page in the project file.

Admin-side settings

As soon as the site is published, it will have the same settings as the project demo site. So now you will need to do now is log in to the admin-side and define the settings by entering your company/personal information (logos, site domain, social pages, etc.). Log in on the admin-side, then type the URL in the browser address bar and then enter the demo password.

Visit the Settings page and, first, define all the settings in the following sections:

  • General Settings
  • Optional Stacks
  • Profiles
  • Forms

The sections shown above are those that contain important company (site owner) data that are used in the pages of the website.
After that you can turn to defining the other settings:

  • UI Elements
  • Colors

After you have filled in all the settings, you are ready to start entering website content!

The project offers many settings but don't worry because if you forget some of them a warning message will tell you what you still need to set, like as you see in the following screenshot:

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Manage the admin-side


The Settings page is very important, from there you define all the main settings for the website. At the top you will find tabs that divide the information into main sections, here are what they are:

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

General Settings

The General Settings tab is structured as follows:

Website URL

Here you set the web address of your site; it is important because many pages and links in the front-site refer to this information.
Remember to enter the web address without the / sign at the end.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Website Logos

Here you can set up logos for both front-side and admin-side. You have many settings available, here are some of them:

  • You can choose the logo format (vector or bitmap)
  • You can set different logos for navbar, mobile, footer
  • You can set logo size by widths (small, medium. large)
  • And much more

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Embed Code

Here you can enter code into front-side pages, such as web analytics services (e.g., Google Analytics) or other external services.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Optional Stacks

Optional stacks are not necessary, but they improve the user experience. You can enable/disable the optional stacks easily from this section.

This project uses the stacks listed below. If you do not have them, it is not a problem because the project will either fall back on the similar standard F6 stack or ignore them completely.

  • PageSage stack
    Manages the credentials and background image of the login page. If disabled, the project falls back to the TCMS Protect stack.

  • Drift Pro stack
    Manages the entry animations of images and elements in the background of some sections of the site. If disabled, the project will ignore it altogether.

  • Photo Pro stack
    Enhances the user experience of image galleries. If disabled, the project falls back to the TCMS Gallery stack.

  • Compass stack
    Manages the buttons to navigate between blog posts. If disabled, the project will ignore it altogether.

  • Share It stack
    Manages the share buttons on the blog post pages. If disabled, the project will ignore it altogether.

  • MovingBox stack
    Enhances the user experience of image/post slideshows. If disabled, the project falls back to the F6 Slider stack.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

UI Elements

Here you can define the settings of all the main elements/sections of the website, the ones that are basically present on all the pages of the website. The UI Elements tab is structured as follows:

Browser Elements

Here you can set new styles for the scroll bar and enable a custom cursor.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Mobile Menu

Here you can set the type of mobile menu: side or overlay menu.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Search Bar

With the Search Bar you can search for blog content. It is displayed by clicking on the search icon in the navbar.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Top Bar

When enabled, the Top Bar is the bar displayed just above the main menu (navbar) on each front-side page. Useful for displaying important information.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

The navigation bar is the main menu, the one displayed in desktop view (large).
You can set the background colors globally (i.e., the same for all pages on the site) or by page, and in this case you will have to go to each admin-side page and set the background colors in the Navbar section.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Contact Widget

The Contact Widget is the contact form on all front-side pages that is activated by the button displayed in the bottom corner of the browser.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.


Here you can manage footer settings and information.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.


In this section you can manage the front-side website colors. You can set your own color palettes (Custom Colors 1 and Custom Colors 2).

How to create your own custom color palette:

  • Under Palette select one of the two available custom palettes.
  • Then at the corresponding tab click on the color swatches to edit them.
  • Save, and then visit the front-side pages.

In general about colors:

  • Keep in mind that colors are global, when you change a color that color changes globally across the whole project. For example, if you change the primary color, every element of the project with that assigned color will undergo the change, regardless of whether that element is a text, a button, a menu, background color or any other element.
  • As the primary color must be set a medium-dark or dark color , that is, a color such that a white text over on it reads well.
    On the other hand, a secondary color must be set a medium-light or light color , that is, a color such that a black text over on it reads well.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.


Here you can define the settings of the 4 types of forms in the project.

TIP: click here for more information on using HTML Email Templates.

Contact Form

The Contact form is the one found on the Contact pages and in the Contact Widget.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Sign Up Form

The Sign Up form is the form found in the footer.
This form is for the sole purpose of receiving email from users who submit the form. It does not store email addresses in lists and is not linked to external email marketing services.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Join Us Form

The Join Us form is the form found in the About pages.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Coming Soon Form

The Coming Soon form is the form found in the Coming Soon page.
This form is for the sole purpose of receiving email from users who submit the form. It does not store email addresses in lists and is not linked to external email marketing services.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.


Company Profile

The Company Profile is the profile of the website owner. Some of these details are used in the front-side

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

User Profile

The User Profile is the profile of the administrator of the website. These details are only used in the admin side.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Webmaster Profile

This data will be displayed in the side Help Panel and in the credits in the footer of the admin-side.

If you are making a website for one of your clients, we recommend that you hide this section so that it is visible only to you.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.


General Information

Getting Started

Each form in the project is independent of the others in the sense that it has its own settings (email addresses, content, templates, etc.) and therefore each form can have different settings from the others.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you fill in all the data in each section of the form before you start using the forms on the front-side.

Email Templates

Simple Email Templates

By default, all forms use the Simple Email Template (we called it that and you can find it in the Website Owner and Website User tabs).
The Simple Email Template is basically a simple text email with your company logo inside.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

If, however, you want a more professional look for your email, then you should enable HTML Email Templates.
Once HTML Email Templates is enabled, the Simple Email Template is ignored.

HTML Email Templates

The HTML Email Template, as the words themselves say, is a template based on HTML code with which it is possible to give a professional look to emails sent from forms. The code must be entered in the appropriate section in HTML Email Template Code (located at the bottom of the HTML Email Templates section).

With the "HTML Email Templates" you can:

  • Customise the Primary Color Email, i.e. the identifying colour of the email.
  • Customise the text content of as many as 4 areas of the email: Content #1, Content #2, Content #3 and Content #4 (both for the email intended for the site owner and for the email intended for the user who submitted the form).
  • In each of these 4 contents you can use one of the macros (as shown in the table) so that you can include special content (such as the username) in the email.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

HTML Email Template Code

The project already has an html code set up in HTML Email Template Code.
This code gives the email the appearance as shown in the example image, and contains macros so that you can customise its content with Contents #1, #2, #3 and #4.

Be careful because if you change this code, the customisation of the 4 content areas may no longer work.

For the sake of clarity, the project file used to generate the code of the HTML Email Template is also delivered with the project file.
You will need the Email stack to be able to edit this project file in RW.

Of course, in HTML Email Template Code it is possible to insert the code of a template that is completely different from the one proposed and supplied with the project, whether modified directly in RW or generated with other software.
However, care must be taken to correctly insert macros into the template, so that the data filled in the form by the user are incorporated into the e-mail template.


SEO content

Full control of the entire site

The SEO content of all pages is managed using the SEO Helper stack. Compared to all other pages on the website, on all home and blog post pages in the project SEO Helper stack is set up slightly differently so that structured data is generated. Thanks to the structured data, Google better understands the content of the page and classifies it correctly.

The only thing you have to do is to enter your SEO content directly from the admin-side, in the SEO section on each page:

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

Or from the SEO page, where SEO content from all pages of the website is collected in one place.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have set up your project blogs with pretty URLs, find out how to do this in the Blog Setup section.


General Information

SEO Helper stack is set up to create a sitemap of sitemaps, you no longer have to remember to submit new sitemaps to search engines.

First you can disable Generate Search Engine Sitemap option from the RadpiWeaver SettingsAdvanced page in the left panel inspector, as shown in the screenshot below:

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

In this project you will find two pages about the sitemap:

  • Sitemap Index
  • Pages Sitemap

Sitemap Index

This page is a sitemap of other sitemap files. The first referenced sitemaps is the home page of the project . The other two are the sitemap files created by Total CMS Blog for the Portfolio and Blog.

  • If you have changed the ID of the blogs (blog and portfolio) or you have added a new blog to your site make sure to set the URLs to match your published blogs.
  • If you have added new blogs in your website remember to add them in this list below.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

IMPORTANT: - Make sure to set page URLs to match your published pages.

Pages Sitemap

This sitemap contains all of the pages within the project. You can define the change frequency and priority of those pages so that search engines have a hint as what pages are more important.

  • If you have added new pages in your website remember to add them in this list below.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

IMPORTANT: - Make sure to set page URLs to match your published pages.

Manage the project file

Page structure

Front-side pages

On the project file, the structure of the front-side pages looks like the screenshot below.

To facilitate understanding of the content, each section of the page is enclosed into Pen stack with the name of the section. Similarly, and with the same names, the corresponding admin-side pages will be structured, as you can see in the correspondent admin-page in the next section below.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

  • Green Pen stacks represent everything related to styles (included the Site Styles stack) and the CMS Core stack.
  • Yellow Pen stacks represent everything that has to do with the interface elements of the page.
  • White Pen stacks represent the real content sections of the page.

TIP: To show the contents of all Pen stacks at once just select all the Pen stacks and then click on the Show button on top right of the work space (shortcut SHIFT + H).

Admin-side pages

With the same concept as the front-side pages, the structure of the admin-side pages looks like the screenshot below.

To facilitate understanding of the content, each section of the page is enclosed into Pen stack with the name of the section. Similarly, and with the same names, the corresponding front-side pages will be structured, as you can see in the correspondent front-page in the previous section above.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

  • Green Pen stacks represent everything related to styles (included the Site Styles stack) and the Total CMS stacks (Admin Core, CMS Core and Protect stacks).
  • Yellow Pen stacks represent everything that has to do with the interface elements of the page.
  • White Pen stacks represent the real content sections of the page.

TIP: To show the contents of all Pen stacks at once just select all the Pen stacks and then click on the Show button on top right of the work space (shortcut SHIFT + H).

Project styles

The project core

The project core is the partial COMMON STYLES, it contains the Site Styles stack and all other styles.

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

IMPORTANT: This partial must be placed on each page of the front-side.

Nested Pen stacks

The styles, within the partial COMMON STYLES, are organized within other Pen stacks based on type.

To quickly show/hide the Pen stack content just select it and then press Shift+H or double-click the title of the stack.

How to find styles in the project

At the bottom of each section of the Style Guide section is a box with a dashed green border indicating where to find styles related to the topics covered in that section.


The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

How the styles are structured

This section explains how the COMMON STYLES partial is structured so as to understand its logic and be able to better manage all styles. When you open the partial you will find the following Pen stacks inside it which represent the main types of styles of the project:

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

  • SITE STYLES Pen stack, contains the Site Styles stack.

  • COLOR SETTINGS Pen stack, contains all styles about colors.

  • ELEMENTS Pen stack, contains all styles (except the color styles).

  • EFFECTS Pen stack, contains the effects styles (eg. hover effects).


The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

This Pen stack contains the Site Styles stack. Make any changes you want but completely ignore the site colors, text colors, and text sizing settings. These styles settings can be found inside the COLOR SETTINGS and ELEMENTS Pen stacks.


The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

This Pen stack contains all styles about colors.

  • COLOR PALETTES Pen stack is where we need to set all the colors of the project.
    These colors are global, so when you set/change a color, all elements that have that color will be changed globally across the entire project. If you are looking to set/change a color, this is where you need to do it.
    Inside it also the CUSTOM COLORS Pen stack, in which styles for custom colors palettes are included.

  • ELEMENT COLORS Pen stack is where we assign the colors (set in the COLOR PALETTES Pen stack) to all elements (eg. text, buttons, tabs, backgrounds, etc.).

In practice, in the first Pen stack (COLOR PALETTES) we set the colors and in the second Pen stack (ELEMENT COLORS) we assign that colors to the various elements of the project.

ELEMENTS Pen stack

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

This Pen stack contains contains all styles (except the color styles) of each project element. The styles are organized by type of element in additional Pen stacks.

EFFECTS Pen stack

The image is for informational purposes only, some details may not exactly match those in this project file.

This Pen stack contains the effects styles (eg. hover effects or element animations).

Add a style to a stack

Create a new style

Let's say we want to add a yellow background color to a 1 Column stack, here's how:

  • Create a new style, simply adding the desired swatch (based on your need) into the Swatches stack.
  • Set the background color and enter a class name to the style in the stack settings panel.

Add the class to the stack

  • Select the stack you want add the new style, in this case the 1 Column stack.
  • Enter the class name in the Custom Classes textarea in the HTML section in the stack settings panel.
    Remember that the class name cannot have blank spaces and start with a number. Use the dash to separate words.
  • After adding the class name in the stack settings panel the stack will be displayed with the new style applied.

IMPORTANT: To learn more about styles, refer to the

Styles Guide

404 Not Found

How to set the 404 Not Found page

To set up the 404 Not Found page correctly you need:

  • A page to show.
  • Insert a line of code in the htaccess file.

Once you choose the page (this project offers at least one) and its URL you have to insert the code in the htaccess file, here's how to do it:

  • Go to the RW Publishing settings and click the Edit .htaccess File button.
  • The following lightbox will open, so click on the text area and enter ErrorDocument 404 followed by the full path to the page you want to show, like this:

ErrorDocument 404

  • Click the Save and Upload button.

TIP: You can check if it works by trying to type, in the address bar of your browser, a wrong or non-existent URL belonging to your domain.

Styles guide


The following colors make up the color palette used by all elements of the project (texts, backgrounds, buttons, etc.).
Use the indicated classes to set the corresponding background color.

Keep in mind that colors are global, when you change a color that color changes globally across the whole project. For example, if you change the primary color, every element of the project with that assigned color will undergo the change, regardless of whether that element is a text, a button, a menu, background color or any other element.

As the primary color must be set a medium-dark or dark color , that is, a color such that a white text over on it reads well.
On the other hand, a secondary color must be set a medium-light or light color , that is, a color such that a black text over on it reads well.
Compared to the color palette of F6 there are three additional custom colors in the color palette: bg-almost-white, bg-almost-black, bg-light-overlay, bg-dark-overlay, bg-light-gradient and bg-dark-gradient.
There is no alternate color for each of these background colors. So, if you assign a background color class to a stack that has a parent stack with the alt class, the background color remains exactly what you set.


Add the bg-primary class to set this background color.

Primary Dark

Add the bg-primary-dark class to set this background color.

Primary Light

Add the bg-primary-light class to set this background color.

Primary Text

Add the bg-primary-text class to set this background color.


Add the bg-secondary class to set this background color.

Secondary Dark

Add the bg-secondary-dark class to set this background color.

Secondary Light

Add the bg-secondary-light class to set this background color.

Secondary Text

Add the bg-secondary-text class to set this background color.


Add the bg-alert class to set this background color.


Add the bg-warning class to set this background color.


Add the bg-success class to set this background color.

Light Overlay

Add the bg-light-overlay class to set a light color overlay background.

Dark Overlay

Add the bg-dark-overlay class to set a dark color overlay background.

Light Gradient Overlay

Add the bg-light-gradient class to set a light gradient color overlay on bottom.

Dark Gradient Overlay

Add the bg-dark-gradient class to set a dark gradient color overlay on bottom.


Add the bg-white class to set this background color.

Almost White

Add the bg-almost-white class to set this background color.

Light gray

Add the bg-light-gray class to set this background color.

Medium Gray

Add the bg-medium-gray class to set this background color.

Dark Gray

Add the bg-dark-gray class to set this background color.

Almost Black

Add the bg-almost-black class to set this background color.


Add the bg-black class to set this background color.

Background Colors Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

  ↳ COLOR SETTINGS Pen stack
   ↳ ELEMENT COLORS Pen stack
     ↳ Background Colors Swatches stack


Each Header stack must have the title class assigned. You can also add other classes as below to add more styles.

Display 1

Add also the display-1 class to display the header at this size.

Display One

Display 2

Add also the display-2 class to display the header at this size.

Display Two

Display 3

Add also the display-3 class to display the header at this size.

Display Three

Display 4

Add also the display-4 class to display the header at this size.

Display Four

Display 5

Add also the display-5 class to display the header at this size.

Display Five

Heading 1

Heading One

Heading 2

Heading Two

Heading 3

Heading Three

Heading 4

Heading Four

Heading 5

Heading Five

Heading 6

Heading Six

Primary Heading

Add also the primary class to display the header at this color.

Primary Heading

Secondary Heading

Add also the secondary class to display the header at this color.

Secondary Heading

Gray Scale Heading

Add also the white, light-gray, medium-gray, dark-gray or black class to display the header at the correspondent color.

Medium Gray Heading

For each gray scale color (White, Light Gray, Medium Gray, Dark Gray and Black) exists an alternate color version. To show the text alternate color just add the alt class to its parent, as shown in the following example and table:

White text

Light Gray text

Madium Gray text

Dark Gray text

Black text

Normal colors

Header stacks placed into the parent stack with a light background.

White text

Light Gray text

Madium Gray text

Dark Gray text

Black text

Alt colors

Same Header stacks placed into the parent stack with a dark background and the alt class assigned also.

Color / Class If parent has the alt class Alt color
White white Black
Light Gray light-gray Dark Gray
Medium Gray medium-gray Medium Gray
Dark Gray dark-gray Light Gray
Black black White

Quote - Solid style

Add also the quote-solid-before class to display a quote sign at the beginning of the header.

This is my qoute

Quote - Solid style

Add also the quote-solid-after class to display a quote sign at the end of the header.

This is my qoute

Quote - Solid style

Add also the quote-solid-before and quote-solid-after classes to display a quote sign at the beginning and at the end of the header.

This is my qoute

Quote - Light style

Add also the quote-light-before class to display a quote sign at the beginning of the header.

This is my qoute

Quote - Light style

Add also the quote-light-after class to display a quote sign at the end of the header.

This is my qoute

Quote - Light style

Add also the quote-light-before and quote-light-after classes to display a quote sign at the beginning and at the end of the header.

This is my qoute

Heading Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

Color styles:
  ↳ COLOR SETTINGS Pen stack
   ↳ ELEMENT COLORS Pen stack
     ↳ Text Colors Swatches stack

All the other styles:
  ↳ ELEMENTS Pen stack
   ↳ TEXT Pen stack


Each Text stack must have the above-title class assigned. You can also add other classes as below to add more styles.

Normal Subheading


Biggest Subheading

Add also the biggest class to display the text at this size.


Bigger Subheading

Add also the bigger class to display the text at this size.


Smaller Subheading

Add also the smaller class to display the text at this size.


Smallest Subheading

Add also the smallest class to display the text at this size.


Primary Subheading

Add also the primary class to display the text at this color.


Secondary Subheading

Add also the secondary class to display the text at this color.


Gray Scale Subheading

Add also the white, light-gray, medium-gray, dark-gray or black class to display the text at the correspondent color.


For each gray scale color (White, Light Gray, Medium Gray, Dark Gray and Black) exists an alternate color version. To show the text alternate color just add the alt class to its parent, as shown in the following example and table:

White text

Light Gray text

Madium Gray text

Dark Gray text

Black text

Normal colors

Text stacks placed into the parent stack with a light background.

White text

Light Gray text

Madium Gray text

Dark Gray text

Black text

Alt colors

Same Text stacks placed into the parent stack with a dark background and the alt class assigned also.

Color / Class If parent has the alt class Alt color
White white Black
Light Gray light-gray Dark Gray
Medium Gray medium-gray Medium Gray
Dark Gray dark-gray Light Gray
Black black White

Subheading Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

Color styles:
  ↳ COLOR SETTINGS Pen stack
   ↳ ELEMENT COLORS Pen stack
     ↳ Text Colors Swatches stack

All the other styles:
  ↳ ELEMENTS Pen stack
   ↳ TEXT Pen stack


Each Text stack must have the description class assigned. You can also add other classes as below to add more styles.

Normal Text

Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec. Leo pobortis teppus, dui enim nunc morbi. Luctus vitae apicuam massa facipisis uppamcorper pectus. Quam pacinia tincidunt porem massa. Sed sed apicuam sapien vep et.

Biggest Text

Add also the biggest class to display the text at this size.

Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec. Leo pobortis teppus, dui enim nunc morbi. Luctus vitae apicuam massa facipisis uppamcorper pectus. Quam pacinia tincidunt porem massa. Sed sed apicuam sapien vep et.

Bigger Text

Add also the bigger class to display the text at this size.

Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec. Leo pobortis teppus, dui enim nunc morbi. Luctus vitae apicuam massa facipisis uppamcorper pectus. Quam pacinia tincidunt porem massa. Sed sed apicuam sapien vep et.

Smaller Text

Add also the smaller class to display the text at this size.

Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec. Leo pobortis teppus, dui enim nunc morbi. Luctus vitae apicuam massa facipisis uppamcorper pectus. Quam pacinia tincidunt porem massa. Sed sed apicuam sapien vep et.

Smallest Text

Add also the smallest class to display the text at this size.

Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec. Leo pobortis teppus, dui enim nunc morbi. Luctus vitae apicuam massa facipisis uppamcorper pectus. Quam pacinia tincidunt porem massa. Sed sed apicuam sapien vep et.

Drop Cap

Add also the drop-cap class to display a drop cap at the beginning of the text with the primary color.

Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec. Leo pobortis teppus, dui enim nunc morbi. Luctus vitae apicuam massa facipisis uppamcorper pectus. Quam pacinia tincidunt porem massa. Sed sed apicuam sapien vep et.

Primary Text

Add also the primary class to display the text at this color.

Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec. Leo pobortis teppus, dui enim nunc morbi. Luctus vitae apicuam massa facipisis uppamcorper pectus. Quam pacinia tincidunt porem massa. Sed sed apicuam sapien vep et.

Secondary Text

Add also the secondary class to display the text at this color.

Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec. Leo pobortis teppus, dui enim nunc morbi. Luctus vitae apicuam massa facipisis uppamcorper pectus. Quam pacinia tincidunt porem massa. Sed sed apicuam sapien vep et.

Gray Scale Text

Add also the white, light-gray, medium-gray, dark-gray or black class to display the text at the correspondent color.

Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec. Leo pobortis teppus, dui enim nunc morbi. Luctus vitae apicuam massa facipisis uppamcorper pectus. Quam pacinia tincidunt porem massa. Sed sed apicuam sapien vep et.

For each gray scale color (White, Light Gray, Medium Gray, Dark Gray and Black) exists an alternate color version. To show the text alternate color just add the alt class to its parent, as shown in the following example and table:

White text

Light Gray text

Madium Gray text

Dark Gray text

Black text

Normal colors

Text stacks placed into the parent stack with a light background.

White text

Light Gray text

Madium Gray text

Dark Gray text

Black text

Alt colors

Same Text stacks placed into the parent stack with a dark background and the alt class assigned also.

Color / Class If parent has the alt class Alt color
White white Black
Light Gray light-gray Dark Gray
Medium Gray medium-gray Medium Gray
Dark Gray dark-gray Light Gray
Black black White

Text Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

Color styles:
  ↳ COLOR SETTINGS Pen stack
   ↳ ELEMENT COLORS Pen stack
     ↳ Text Colors Swatches stack

All the other styles:
  ↳ ELEMENTS Pen stack
   ↳ TEXT Pen stack


Each Button stack must have the btn-main class assigned. You can also add other classes as below to add more styles.


Set Color: Primary in the stack settings.


Set Color: Secondary in the stack settings.


Set Color: Primary in the stack settings.
Add also the pink class to display the button at this color.


Set Color: Primary in the stack settings.
Add also the black class to display the button at this color.


Set Color: Primary in the stack settings.
Add also the white class to display the button at this color.

Extra Padding

Add also the extra-pad class to display the button with extra padding.

Arrow Icon

Add also the ico-arrow class to display the arrow icon at the end of text.

Button Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

Color styles:
  ↳ COLOR SETTINGS Pen stack
   ↳ ELEMENT COLORS Pen stack
     ↳ Button Colors Swatches stack

All the other styles:
  ↳ ELEMENTS Pen stack
   ↳ BUTTONS Pen stack


In this section all the information to set the padding styles. Use the classes as indicated to make the most of them.

Padding for main section containers

For sections with a lot of content, set up the stacks like this:

  • Use a Container/Column stack with the pad-y-first class, ideal for the first content of the section. In this way, you will have higher padding on the top side so as to highlight the detachment from the preceding content.
  • Use one or more Container/Column stacks with the pad-y class, ideal for the internal section contents. This class has padding on top/bottom sides but smaller in size.
  • Use a Container/Column stack with the pad-y-last class, ideal for the last content of the section. In this way, you will have higher padding on the bottom side so as to highlight the detachment from the content that follows.

Top/Bottom Sides

Add the pad-y-first class to add padding top/bottom sides, with higher values on top.

First content area

Top/Bottom Sides

Add the pad-y class to add padding top/bottom sides.

Internal content area

Top/Bottom Sides

Add the pad-y-last class to add padding top/bottom sides, with higher values on bottom.

Last content area

For sections with only one content, set up the stacks like this:

Use a Container/Column stack with the pad-y-single or pad-single class. With the first class you will have higher padding on both top/bottom sides, with the second class you will have higher padding on all sides.

Top/Bottom Sides

Add the pad-y-single class to add padding with high values top/bottom sides.

Content of the section

All Sides

Add the pad-single class to add padding with high values on all sides.

Content of the section

Padding for inner content containers

Padding classes particularly suitable for stacks used for content within the main sections of the page.

All sides

Add the pad class to add padding on all sides.

Content area

Top Side

Add the pad-t class to add padding on top only.

Content area

Bottom Side

Add the pad-b class to add padding on bottom only.

Content area

Left/Right Sides

Add the pad-x class to add padding on left/right sides.

Content area

Left/Right + Top Sides

Add the pad-x-t class to add padding left/right and top sides.

Content area

Left/Right + Bottom Sides

Add the pad-x-b class to add padding left/right and top sides.

Content area

Padding Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

  ↳ ELEMENTS Pen stack
   ↳ PADDING Pen stack


In this section all the information to set the Tabs styles.

Normal Colors

No additional class to display Tabs at these colors.

Alt Colors

Add the alt class to parent stack to display Tabs at these colors.

Primary Colors

Add the primary class to parent stack to display Tabs at these colors.

Secondary Colors

Add the secondary class to parent stack to display Tabs at these colors.

On Primary Color Background

The parent stack must have the bg-primary class assigned.

On Secondary Color Background

The parent stack must have the bg-secondary class assigned.

Tabs Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

Color styles:
  ↳ COLOR SETTINGS Pen stack
   ↳ ELEMENT COLORS Pen stack
     ↳ Tabs Swatches stack

All the other styles:
  ↳ ELEMENTS Pen stack
   ↳ TABS & ACCORDIONS Pen stack


In this section all the information to set the Accordions styles.

Normal Colors

No additional class to display Accordions at these colors.

  • My Section One

    Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec.

  • My Section Two

    Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec.

  • My Section Three

    Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec.

Alt Colors

Add the alt class to parent stack to display Accordions at these colors.

  • My Section One

    Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec.

  • My Section Two

    Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec.

  • My Section Three

    Egestas massa, tristicue in augue. Epit sceperiscue nisi, eu bibendum pectus viverra cuam. Mapesuada pupvinar integer peppentescue convappis apicuet nec.

Add Custom Icons

First of all, to use custom icons you need to set the class for the accordion title into the FontAwesome 5 swatch, in this way:

  • Open the STYLES COMMON TO ALL PAGES green Pen stack; then ppen the SITE STYLES Pen stack and select the Font Awesome 5 swatch:

  • Make sure to add the accordion-title:before class within the CSS Selector text area. In this way we set the Font Awesome font for the accordions title icons:

  • At this point, just go to the Font Awesome site, choose an icon and copy the its Unicode value.
    Make sure to use icons of Font Awesome version 5 only.

  • In the Accordions stack settings make sure to enable Use Custom Icons?. Then paste the Unicode values into the "Open" and "Close" fields. Make sure to enter the \ symbol before the Unicode value.
  • The Use Custom Icons is a global feature, it will change the icons on every Accordion stacks on the page.

Accordion Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

Color styles:
  ↳ COLOR SETTINGS Pen stack
   ↳ ELEMENT COLORS Pen stack
     ↳ Accordions Swatches stack

All the other styles:
  ↳ ELEMENTS Pen stack
   ↳ TABS & ACCORDIONS Pen stack

Hover Effects

In this section all the information to set the hover effects styles. Use the following classes to obtain the respective hover effect.

Background colors

Transparent to White

Add the bg-white-hover class to set this background color on hover.

Transparent to Black

Add the bg-black-hover class to set this background color on hover.

Transparent to Primary

Add the bg-primary-hover class to set this background color on hover.

Transparent to Primary Dark

Add the bg-primary-dark-hover class to set this background color on hover.

Transparent to Secondary

Add the bg-secondary-hover class to set this background color on hover.

Transparent to Secondary Dark

Add the bg-secondary-dark-hover class to set this background color on hover.


Scale Up

Add the scale-up class to set this effect on hover.

Scale Down

Add the scale-down class to set this effect on hover.

Move Up

Add the move-up class to set this effect on hover.

Move Down

Add the move-down class to set this effect on hover.

Rotate 180°

Add the rot-180 class to set this effect on hover.

Rotate 360°

Add the rot-360 class to set this effect on hover.


Normal Shadow

Add the shadow class to set this effect on hover.

Small Shadow

Add the sm-shadow class to set this effect on hover.

Large Shadow

Add the lg-shadow class to set this effect on hover.


Of course, you can combine the various classes to achieve the desired effect.

Example 1

Use the bg-secondary-hover, move-up and shadow classes to set this hover effect.

Example 2

Use the bg-black-hover, scale-down and lg-shadow classes to set this hover effect.

Shadow Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

Color styles:
  ↳ EFFECTS Pen stack
   ↳ HOVER EFFECTS Pen stack

Responsive Embed Contents

In this section all the information to set the responsive embed content styles. Use the following classes to obtain the respective aspect ratio for maps or videos.

How to set the stacks

  • Copy the embed code from Google Maps or Youtube.
  • Paste it inside the HTML stack.
  • Then place the HTML stack inside 1 Column stack (the wrapper stack).

  • To the 1 Column stack add one of the classes as shown below to get the respective aspect ratio.

All widths: 16:9 aspect ratio

Add the ratio-16-9 class to 1 Column stack to display embed content at this aspect ratio.

All widths: 4:3 aspect ratio

Add the ratio-4-3 class to 1 Column stack to display embed content at this aspect ratio.

SM + MD: 16:9 aspect ratio

LG: 4:3 aspect ratio

Add the ratio-16-9-4-3 class to 1 Column stack to display embed content at this aspect ratio.

SM + MD: 16:9 aspect ratio

LG: 4:2 aspect ratio

Add the ratio-16-9-4-2 class to 1 Column stack to display embed content at this aspect ratio.

SM + MD: 16:9 aspect ratio

LG: 4:1 aspect ratio

Add the ratio-16-9-4-1 class to 1 Column stack to display embed content at this aspect ratio.

SM + MD: 16:9 aspect ratio

LG: 1:1 aspect ratio

Add the ratio-16-9-sq class to 1 Column stack to display embed content at this aspect ratio.

SM + MD: 2:1 aspect ratio

LG: 2:3 aspect ratio

Add the ratio-2-1-2-3 class to 1 Column stack to display embed content at this aspect ratio.

How to set styles for a new aspect ratio

  • Open the RESPONSIVE EMBED CONTENT Pen stack (at the end of this section is shown where you can find the styles).
  • Duplicate a Pen stack of an exsiting aspect ratio, for example the ALL SIZE: Ratio 4:3 Pen stack.
  • Let's say we want to set an aspect ratio of 7:5, so rename the new Pen stack to ALL SIZE: Ratio 7:5.
  • Before modifying the CSS code you need to know that it is the value of the padding-bottom attribute that determines the height of the map based on its width (which is 100%). So just change this value to change the aspect ratio of the map/video.
  • So if we want to set a ratio of 7: 5 just solve the following equation:
    7: 5 = 100% : x     →     (100x5) / 7 = 71.42
  • Now open the CSS swatch and replace the class name with a new one and then replace the existing value on the padding-bottom attribute with the new one 71.42 as shown in the screenshot below.
  • Finally, assign the new ratio-7-5 class name to the 1 Column stack.
  • That's all.

Responsive Embed Contents Styles

To find the styles, open the Partial and Pen stacks as follows:

Color styles:
  ↳ ELEMENTS Pen stack


Mini-guide on partials


The partial is simply a group of stacks with a fantastic feature: if you place the same partial several times on a page or on different pages, for example on pages A, B and C, and then you modify the partial only on page B, it happens that these changes will also propagate on the same partial positioned on the pages A and C.
In practice, by modifying only one partial, all its instances (or copies) that you will have placed in other pages of the project will also be modified.

How to create a partial

  • Select the stack you want transform in partial and then click the green Partial button at the top left.
  • From the stacks settings you can assign Title, Subtitle, Author and Tags. You can also just assign the Title (give it a name that makes sense to you based on its content).
  • Use Tags to better organize your Partial Library and divide your partials into groups.
  • At this point, you will find the partial just created in the Partials Library.
  • To view the Partials Library click the green cubes icon () on the left vertical menu of Stacks.

How to edit a partial

  • Just double click on it, no matter if it is on the page or directly on the Partials Library.
  • Make the changes you need.
  • Click the blue Back button at the top left to close (and save) the partial.

How to unpack a partial

  • First select the partial (the partial must be on the page).
  • Click the green Unpack button at the top left.

When you unpack on a partial, the partial simply transforms into a normal group of stacks, and is therefore totally independent from the other instances of that partial you just unpacked on that page.
If you unpack on a partial which is present on several pages, they will not all be unpacked, only the one you have unpacked will become a normal stack group (all other instances will remain as partial).

How to move a partial from one project to another

  • Open the project file with partials.
  • Drag the partial (or more partials) you need onto the page.
  • Select the partial (or more partials).
  • Copy them.
  • Paste them on the page of the other project file.
  • Now you will find those partials also on the Partial library of this other project file.

Partials Library

Organize the library

Partials are well organized, be sure to arrange the Stack Library as follows:

  • Click on the Library Settings icon.
  • Select Arrange Stacks and then click on the By Tag.
  • In this way all partials included in the project are now arranged correctly, sorted and divided by groups.